QName |
Type |
Fixed |
Default |
Use |
Annotation |
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than 'http://iptc.org/std/nar/2006-10-01/' |
contenttype |
xs:string |
optional |
The IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) MIME type of the target resource. |
contenttypevariant |
xs:string |
optional |
A refinement of a generic content type (i.e. IANA MIME type) by a literal string value. |
creator |
QCodeType |
optional |
If the attribute is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property - expressed by a QCode. If the attribute is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property. |
creatoruri |
IRIType |
optional |
If the attribute is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property - expressed by a URI. If the attribute is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property. |
custom |
xs:boolean |
optional |
If set to true the corresponding property was added to the G2 Item for a specific customer or group of customers only. The default value of this property is false which applies when this attribute is not used with the property. |
dir |
restriction of xs:NMTOKEN |
optional |
The directionality of textual content (enumeration: ltr, rtl) |
format |
QCodeType |
optional |
A refinement of a generic content type (i.e. IANA MIME type) by a value from a controlled vocabulary - expressed by a QCode |
formaturi |
IRIType |
optional |
A refinement of a generic content type (i.e. IANA MIME type) by a value from a controlled vocabulary - expressed by a URI |
guidref |
xs:string |
optional |
The use of this attribute is DEPRECATED, use @residref instead. (was: The globally unique Identifier of the target Item.) |
how |
QCodeType |
optional |
Indicates by which means the value was extracted from the content - expressed by a QCode |
howuri |
IRIType |
optional |
Indicates by which means the value was extracted from the content - expressed by a URI |
href |
IRIType |
optional |
The locator of the target resource. |
hreftype |
xs:string |
optional |
The use of this attribute is DEPRECATED, use @contenttype instead. (was: An IANA MIME type.) |
id |
xs:ID |
optional |
The local identifier of the property. |
modified |
DateOptTimeType |
optional |
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property. |
persistidref |
xs:string |
optional |
Points to an element inside the target resource which must be identified by an ID attribute having a value which is persistent for all versions of the target resource, i.e. for its entire lifecycle. (added NAR 1.8) |
pubconstraint |
QCodeListType |
optional |
One or many constraints that apply to publishing the value of the property - expressed by a QCode. Each constraint applies to all descendant elements. |
pubconstrainturi |
IRIListType |
optional |
One or many constraints that apply to publishing the value of the property - expressed by a URI. Each constraint applies to all descendant elements. |
rank |
xs:nonNegativeInteger |
optional |
The rank of the link among other links |
rel |
QCodeType |
optional |
The identifier of the relationship between the current Item and the target resource - expressed by a QCode |
reluri |
IRIType |
optional |
The identifier of the relationship between the current Item and the target resource - expressed by a URI |
residref |
xs:string |
optional |
The provider’s identifier of the target resource. |
size |
xs:nonNegativeInteger |
optional |
The size in bytes of the target resource. |
title |
xs:string |
optional |
A short natural language name for the target resource. |
validfrom |
DateOptTimeType |
optional |
The date (and, optionally, the time) before which a relationship is not valid. |
validto |
DateOptTimeType |
optional |
The date (and, optionally, the time) after which a relationship is not valid. |
version |
xs:positiveInteger |
optional |
The version of the target resource. By default, the latest revision is retrieved when the link is activated. |
why |
QCodeType |
optional |
Why the metadata has been included - expressed by a QCode |
whyuri |
IRIType |
optional |
Why the metadata has been included - expressed by a URI |
xml:lang |
union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string)
optional |
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
going to be a realistic possibility. See
RFC 3066 at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3066.txt and the IANA registry
at http://www.iana.org/assignments/lang-tag-apps.htm for
further information.
The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
the empty string. |