This is the file The folder holds the XML Schema files - NewsML-G2_2.22-spec-All-Core.xsd - NewsML-G2_2.22-spec-All-Power.xsd with a slight difference to the XML Schema files of the same name in the folder The elements - nar:rightsInfoExtProperty - nar:itemMetaExtProperty - nar:contentMetaExtProperty - nar:conceptExtProperty - nar:catalogContainer in the XML Schemas of the specification-globalized folder are defined as global elements while they are local child elements in the XML Schemas of the specification folder. The major reason for that comes from the XML Schema specification of the NewsML-G2 Hint and Extension Points. They allow any element from the nar namespace to be a child but only global elements are validated by general W3C XML Schema specifications. To support the quality of NewsML-G2 items by a proper validation all elements which may be used as Hint Point child elements should be defined as global elements, the ones listed aboved are not by the usual design of the NewsML-G2 XML Schema. Please read section 14.2.4 "Hint and Extension Points in XML" of the NewsML-G2 2.21 specification document ( about what elements from the nar namespace may be used as child elements of a Hint and Extension Point. Please send any enquiries regarding this issue to the IPTC office: Thank you. IPTC - 25 Southampton Buildings London WC2A 1AL - United Kingdom