Data mining consent policy test

Here is a simple HTML representation of data mining consent policy.

Our tdm.json file specifies that no content on the site can be mined for any purposes, with the following exceptions:

The JSON(-LD) for this policy is as follows (available from policy.json):

  "@context": [
    {"tdm": ""}
  "uid": "",
  "@type": "Offer",
  "profile": "",
  "assigner": {
    "uid": "",
    "vcard:fn": "International Press Telecommunications Council",
    "vcard:nickname": "IPTC",
    "vcard:hasEmail": "",
    "vcard:hasAddress": {
      "vcard:street-address": "25 Southampton Buildings",
      "vcard:postal-code": "WC2A 1AL",
      "vcard:locality": "London",
      "vcard:country-name": "United Kingdom"
    "vcard:hasTelephone": "tel:+442031784922",
    "vcard:hasURL": ""
  "permission": [
      "target": "",
      "action": "tdm:mine"
  "duty": [
      "action": "obtainConsent"